
Detailed view of Sauna HISTOIRE D'EAU



Address 1, rue Romarin
69001 LYON
Rhone-Alpes - France
Phone 04 72 00 83 83
Web site http://www.histoiredeau.fr

Nous fr�quentons r�guli�rement cet �tablissement l'accueil est excellent , les coins calins sont propres avec prot�ges matelas pr�servatifs et gel � discr�tion grande piscine bien chauff�e nous y avons fait de belles rencontres

(the 2017-03-07 by : cplcrimag
Nous avons r�ussi � y passer une bonne soir�e: un vendredi soir gratos pour couple, mais cher pour h seuls. Installations correctes, mais une seule cabine discr�te. Heureusement qu'on avait pris la pr�caution d'y "inviter" qq hommes selon notre app�tit. Dommage que le forum soit "en maintenance". Ca facilite pas. Si l'occasion se pr�sente, nous y retournerons.

(the 2015-08-11 by : JiTe
retour a histoire d eau
accueil excellent
baln�o au top
beaucoup de couples et hommes seuls tres courtois
donc nous y retournerons avec plaisir

(the 2015-05-12 by : zamoureu83
retour a histoire d eau ce week end apres nos aventures lyonnaise de l an dernier. aie aie! on a l impression que c est un club en declin (malgr�s les bon souvenirs que lon a dans ce lieu) l hygiene devient douteuse, l accueil tres moyen , jaccuzi en stand bye (il faut insister aupres de l accueil pour les redemarrer) quand on a la pretention d avoir une piscine dans un club il faut penser a la chauffer un tant soit peu bref retour tres mitig� dans un endroit qui m�riterai le d�tour s il �tait un poil mieux tenu (sinon les quelques hommes seuls cet apres midi la �tait tres courtois et nous y avons quand meme fait de belle rencontres)

(the 2011-11-13 by : zamoureu83
limit its damage become much man alone with comments style we are here to pay for our entrance, so you cowards not tread very painful injury

(the 2011-05-08 by : cpl-sympas
Friendly welcome, clean locker room, we went accompanied with another couple in evening couples for the first time we were in such a place. We did not use the premises of the floor that seems "light" and not too clean. This evening during June was very pleasant, there was little couple that helped us get the most facilities. Features operational day.

(the 2009-09-11 by : cpledu69
While there, honestly!! welcome yet started well, the locker room really great. The steam room, nice and clean. The positive stops there ... Really a shame to let such an abandonment surface. On both Jaccuzy, one running, warm and limited. Ditto the swimming pool ... Showers dirty and cold (water). We brought with us a young girl for her first time ... We did not return.

(the 2009-02-06 by : panther30
quite nice, good home we spent a few afternoons of good moments but overall a bit too much man alone mode crevard but mostly the worst 99 \\% of incompetents. Grace gentlemen effort or paw in your corner vs. without our products, contaminated the atmosphere

(the 2008-09-24 by : exivoy69
Sauna living on its reputation hygiene problem, not of paddling to reach the "pool", evacuation overflowing showers, towels hung easily on a poor medium falls into the water. Upstairs, curtains hide staked and the walls are crumbling (careful not to be found in the pice of the side). In the evening peak (Thursday bcp of Cpl illegitimate) condenses so that its walls and ceiling to floor ooze. Yet we hear much talk ... not clean.

(the 2007-11-09 by : fantasmik
Welcome  7.0/10 
Ambience  5.8/10 
Customers  6.0/10 
Cleanliness  6.7/10 

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