
Detailed view of Sauna MOULINS'CLUB



Address RN 10 Belle Vue
Centre - France
Phone 02 47 34 93 06
Web site http://moulinclub.fr
  Pour nous contacter To contact us 
sur 700m avec 11 cabine pour calins grand bain a bulles sauna piste de dance piscine l'�te chauff� mini a 31

Club � �viter, sauf si vous aimez:
- coquiner dans les coins calins, sur des matelas recouverts de housses en tissus ( il y a mieux pour l'hygi�ne....)
- utiliser des toilettes sans lavabos/lave-mains ( tout du moins, celles � c�t� du coin baln�o..... Visiblement, se laver les mains n'est une r�gle d'hygi�ne �l�mentaire pour les propri�taires des lieux....
- utiliser du gel douche / savon, avant d'utiliser les coins baln�o, non pas proposer dans un distributeur, fix� au mur. Mais dans un vulgaire flacon, pos� au sol.
- boire vos consommations dans des gobelets en plastiques
- croiser des clientes en jean's / basket / casquette.....un dress code ne semble pas de mise dans cet �tablissement
- acc�der � ce club en entrant au pr�alable dans un hall qui donne directement sur les toilettes ( au moins, l�, il y avait un lavabo....). Il y a plus glam comme accueil....
En fait, pour un �tablissement qui revendique 22 ans d'anciennet�, on a justement l'impression qu'il est rest� tel qu'il �tait � son ouverture :-) .....En fait, ns sommes all�s dans ce club car celui que ns fr�quentons habituellement �tait ferm�. Et la d�ception �tait � la hauteur des kms parcourus pour y aller !!!!! Au moins, on aura pu v�rifier par nous m�me et ne pas s'en tenir uniquement aux commentaires ci-dessus, qui n'engagent que ceux qui les mettent en ligne ( et qui n'ont peut �tre, h�las, pas de base de comparaison s'ils ne fr�quentent que celui-l�....), et qui en ce qui nous concerne, ns ont induit en erreur !!!!

(the 2016-08-25 by : Cple53
Comment parler du moulin sans parler de son point fort principal : l'�norme jacuzzi ! Id�al pour se donner rendez vous, les d�butants trouverons dans ce club aquatique, le moyen d'avancer dans le libertinage par �tape... en se d�nudant, en se relaxant, et en s'inspirant de l'�rotissme omnis-pr�sent.

(the 2011-06-05 by : vgi-fgi-79
Really well maintained a relaxed and friendly place to find and return often

(the 2010-04-27 by : montbel
Good evening to you all voila we are a couple and we know not the libertine club. I think fear. but I think that should dare to go through the door but I think we'll do Friday 17 oulalala I count on you bisoussssss

(the 2010-04-16 by : clouette
patterns in gold, we love the ambience and friendliness of welcome, the mill it always comes back with pleasure

(the 2010-02-13 by : beapas
A super cool club with patrons (Gerald and Chantal) to "top" of kindness. Places are very large with everything you need to slut-3, 4 or more depending on the mood of the moment. It will sometimes just to say hello to guests who do not know what to do to be nice

(the 2010-01-05 by : nous-liber
the mill? we love and we return ......

(the 2009-10-02 by : coupledu41
hello! great club, very nice! employers and employees are great and tjs was listening to their customers! evenings are really funky and that of 12 was worth it! very successful birthday .... Vivement la prochaine soirée! Big kisses

(the 2009-09-14 by : angemicha7
ahhhh koi club will say all are in both top club bosses Customer spend evenings or after twelve o'clock we're super pleasant one bit more sense then just go many taste and appreciate adopters then kisses you and the next bizzzzzzzzz

(the 2009-05-25 by : douloucpl8
Good evening, very friendly club, we have never been disappointed in our passage.Gérald and Chantal is very generous, very attentive and was very attentive to their clientéle.Gros bisous.Continuez like that

(the 2009-01-21 by : rico-delf
we are a couple of true libertine where higiene for us is impeccable. we come to the mill club for several years is to have no reproaches to make to this establishment. a true libertine club to discover where the home chantal gerald is still very friendly and warm

(the 2008-12-10 by : flute
Thursday morning is super cool with his new formula many people in 15h was 1 am not very well stop 10 of 10

(the 2008-12-10 by : nous37800
Good evening, there will from time to time, very well, super home we go to have fun sexually, enjoy, after we meet people and they respect us, but sometimes men only, just put them in their up but congratulations to Gerard and Chantal

(the 2008-07-20 by : dedcorbi
still very much a club or the nest not mind making a copy rosifiées clubs we go to conventional mills libertine!

(the 2007-11-23 by : fantaisies
patrons are very friendly, even nice, but not DJ so not much atmosphere on the track ... people are very early in the only jacusi .. steam room and sauna (ridiculously small!) and lousy affffreusement are inaccessible "to believe that people come to wash! hugs the corners are large and well.

(the 2007-08-01 by : anejlo
Comment filed May 28, 2007 The legendary Moulin's Gerald and Chantal! U An FTA tailor whatever the reason for your visit. FYI steam room is closed for at least 4 years ... No worries here customers are eating sex in compliance, not to chat for ages. hugs the corners with themed decorations are very acceuillants. We love it!

(the 2007-08-01 by : alias-x
Welcome  8.7/10 
Ambience  7.6/10 
Customers  7.7/10 
Cleanliness  7.9/10 

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