
Detailed view of Sauna Moon City

Name Moon City - Sauna

Moon City

Address 34, boulevard de Clichy
75018 Paris
Ile-de-France - France
Phone 01 42 59 52 24
Web site http://www.mooncity.fr
  Pour nous contacter To contact us 

Notre sauna prefere pour ces journ�es couple lundi et mercredi, ambiance superbe et de tres belle rencontre...
On adoreeeeee

(the 2014-04-27 by : kiusatus
Que dire mis a part que l'hygienne y est deplorable... Nous ne sommes pas rest� bien longtemps, la crasse nous a faite fuir!!! Un nettoyage complet des lieux ne serait pas un luxe.
Pour tout les gens a cheval sur la propret� nous dirions � eviter!

(the 2013-09-22 by : ticoupl77
1�re sortie un samedi soir. Il y avait pas mal de monde, quelques hommes seuls, quelques femmes seules, et pas mal de couples d'une moyenne d'�ge de 30 ans. Une bonne ambiance, des personnes tr�s ouvertes avec une facilit� de dialogue. Les lieux sont extr�mement sympas, des pi�ces coquines ouvertes, d'autre ferm�es, chacune dans un style diff�rent ce qui laisse le choix.
Bref, nous y retournerons, m�me si un tarif un peu plus bas serait appr�ciable !!

(the 2013-08-20 by : sens-ual
Pr�voyons une sortie samedi 24 Aout 2013, comme la fois pr�c�dente, pour les motiv�s, faites vous connaitre en message priv�. Bises

(the 2013-08-16 by : flomika
1�re sortie libertine dans ce sauna dimanche dernier. Nous avons trouv� l'endroit tr�s agr�able. Peu d'hommes seuls, de nombreux couples. Nous y retournerons avec plaisir... Des amateurs pour nous accompagner?

(the 2013-04-22 by : gregtitia
Nous allons y faire un tour vendredi soir, qui veut nous y accompagner?
A moins que vous n ayez mieux a nous proposer...

(the 2013-04-14 by : flomika
on aime bien ce club. l'ambiance y est cool. M�me en soir�e mixte. On trouve l'endroit propre, et en tout cas, apr�s passage d'un couple dans un coin, on peut le faire nettoyer. Seul reproche, les personnes marchent en chaussure sur 10m entre le bar et l'entr�e...pas top top sur l'hygiene � cet endroit. On vous y retrouve la prochaine fois ?

(the 2013-03-17 by : Olivero75
Nous avons decouvert ce sauna. Jolis decors et coins calins tres bien car petits, ferm�s...mais suffisant ouverts pour nos amis HS voyeur ou plus... Ambiance chaude, Jacuzy top... on regrette de voir le videur en chaussures, et de passer par l'entr�e pieds nus pour aller aux vestiaires. On est fan ! on vous y retrouve ?....

(the 2013-02-05 by : Olivero75
Premi�re soir�e pour nous en sauna ce samedi soir et nous n'avons pas regrett� notre choix ! un accueil tr�s sympa, un cadre agr�able, une fr�quentation faite de couples majoritairement, quelques hommes seuls mais pas "affam�". Nous avons appr�ci� le fait que les coin c�lins soient nettoy�s � la demande (ce qui n'est pas le cas dans les clubs libertins) et l'intimit� des chacuns peut etre pr�serv�es si vous le souhaitez !! A fr�quenter sans h�siter ! nous esp�rons y retourner et le faire d�couvrir � nos amis !!

(the 2012-11-06 by : chatmasque
Premi�re soir�e pour nous au moon, verdict positif. Flo s'est bien amus�e, et visiblement ses "compagnons" aussi.
Point n�gatif, les mecs laissent leurs capotes � terre, dans le hammam, et les douches, un peu de propret� messieurs, arr�tez de compter sur les proprio pour passer nettoyer tous les 5 mns.
Bonne ambiance, bien recu, peut etre un peu trop d hommes seuls qui tournent dans les coins calins, et pas assez de signes disctinctifs sur les d�sirs des couples (�changisme, m�langisme, cote-a-cotisme)...
Sinon, bonne soir�e, � refaire au plus vite

(the 2012-07-15 by : flomika
Y suis all� vendredi soir dernier - 1er club libertin pour moi, et non accompagn� - donc je ne peux comparer avec rien. Accueil froid - plus type 'videur' qu'autre chose et orient� carte bancaire (118 euros seul - faut �tre motiv�). Le lieu est assez kitch mais le d�marrage 'piscine' met bien dans le 'bain'. Apr�s pas d'ambiance vraiment (il �tait 1h30 du mat, �a peut jouer): bar vide, une vingtaine de personne qui traine autour des pi�ces et un film porno sur les t�l�s. Donc pas d'ambiance festive - on est l� pour faire ce que l'on a � faire en utilisant les lieux. J'ai eu la chance de tomber sur un couple qui d�marrait, je pense, et qui m'a accueilli - donc un long moment de d�couverte � plusieurs. Maintenant j'ai eu de la chance - j'ai vu qu'ensuite il restait un trio bien enferm� et sinon les gens d�ambulaient un peu comme des �mes en peine (pas que des hommes, un m�lange). Donc je ne dirais que c'est un endroit � d�conseiller car je n'y suis venu qu'une fois, j'ai d�couvert une pratique que je ne connaissais pas et je ne peux pas comparer avec un autre club - mais je n'ai pas �t� charm� par l'endroit. j'aurais souhait� une ambiance, un accueil, etc...

(the 2012-04-02 by : 92marlm
bof rebof rerebof pas d'ambiance, hygiene douteuse (un vigile vient en chaussure en permanence dans les coins calins en marchant dans l eau des douches par exemple)accueil limite,prix exorbitant et ou sont les libertins???? pour soit disant le meilleur sauna club de paris meme le superbe decors en carton pate part en morceau par endroit donc en resum� pour nous c est plus jamais

(the 2012-02-29 by : zamoureu83
Ah le Moon. Nos amis n'en disent que du bien. Et bien, c'est pas notre avis. Un point positif, le cadre. MAGNIFIQUE. Mais pour le reste, on s'ennuie. Ce n'est pas un club de libertinage, mais simplement de voyeurs et de quelques exibitionnistes. Les couples ne se parlent pas, ne vous calculent m�me pas, pas un regard. Vous tentez une approche, m�me les murs ont plus de r�ponse.(en soir�e couple tout de m�me) En bref, cher pour les prestations, l'ambiance nulle, juste bon pour un sauna ou hamman, mais pour les galipettes, il vaut mieux venir accompagner. Que dire d'autre? c'est un club typiquement Parisien avec une ambiance � la Parisienne. C'est le troisi�me club Parisien que nous testons, et bien, heureusement qu'il y a de vrais libertins en province... Fini les clubs Parisiens.
Cath et Pascal

(the 2011-11-07 by : coquinou28
sommes all�e le 23/06/11 0 01H00 PEUX DE MONDE...Acceuil tr�s moyen, endroit salle, pr�servatif dans le hammam et escalier, coin callin salle non nettoyer,poubelle pleine...pas de serviette mis � disposition...avons pay� 58 euros pour couple sommes rest� 1h00..nous ne n'y remettrons plus les pieds et d�conseillons cet endroit Pompe � frique....

(the 2011-06-25 by : duo02100
We were regulars at this unusual place, but unfortunately we found the rate increase unjustified and even a decline in quality be it cleanliness, quality of buffets or drinks ... For the last time we went to a party couple: she began with a small glass of wine, very generous and clearly undrinkable! The evening continued in the showers where the water was cold, then in the sauna. The floor was dirty (hair clinging to his toes, tops in the waters of the Jacuzzi tub, shower with a sweet scent of urine!), Poor hygiene of the common we do not really inspired to visit hugs the corners. The generosity of the facility and the friendliness of the staff has given way to a clear determination to make money at the expense of quality and hygiene. Rates are exaggerated (19th of the 12 tops!). We sincerely hope that the place finds its quality.

(the 2011-02-23 by : libparis
I discovered today ... the Moon (Tuesday) welcomed by a beautiful blonde very nice ... the somewhat quitch is still very pleasant and relaxing, the pool is really delicious Jacuzzi, sauna and steam room are great, some hugs corners so close ... really needs a lot like .... In addition there was a buffet brunch pretty cool ...!!! Thank you the Moon!

(the 2011-01-04 by : Kokin77
A place always well kept. Installation of quality and especially a decoration that immediately gives the taste of the escape .... nothing to do with some places with antiseptic white tiles, pink paint and other decoration in bad taste. Here we travel between Bali and India. We know that customers Monday and Wednesday evenings reserved for couples only. The atmosphere is casual. We like to be there just to relax without trying the game at all costs. On two floors, bottom touches people in the Jacuzzi, play of light with a drink at the bar .... whilst the first between sauna and steam bath, the body can come together. Farther away in places that can protect the eyes according to his desires, the body is mixed. A friendly and well run club offers theme nights with special events couples. The ideal club to start in libertinism.

(the 2010-08-13 by : LILOLOU
This Sauna is one of the best we have attended. The atmosphere is good, not too much for one man alone on Friday night (05/14/2010) and we have even returned Sunday afternoon. We had two very tired right time low. A remake as soon as we'll be back in Paris. Hic Only small, the move has made the entry in undress.

(the 2010-05-17 by : titanne
First time in the moon and what fun! The club is great and awesome jacuzzi. We're going on a Wednesday evening reserved for couples and there were lots of people but very pretty young couples.Par cons hugs the corners are quickly saturated It was not until 1:00 am for a little place.En least it has rained across much and we will return it on!

(the 2010-05-13 by : jolimome95
Sauna very clean, very large, with an excellent decoration taste. Everyone respects. Certainly one of the best sauna in the capital. The only snag is the price for a single man, but that ultimately limit an overpopulation of males hungry! ;) Short, to recommend strongly.

(the 2010-04-29 by : VFlac
We love this place that we frequent during the day, couples or mixed. Men alone are quite friendly day .... The place provides a change of scenery and the team has always been very nice to us! The corners are a little cuddling cramped and lack of originality. There are too close .... but that it preserves those who do not come to meet .... J epass the jacuzzi, sauna, steam room that allow alternating pleasure throughout a day. Would recommend.

(the 2010-02-19 by : phillmaris
Followers of the moon, we have n never had to repeat, as much on staff, as the decor, the atmosphere ... In response to those who unfortunately have found the hand hygiene a bit limited, so be aware that some customers were able stand a little better, you never would have no market on a condom or another ... all that is necessary for cleanliness is there (garbage, etc. ...)... short nothing wrong and thank you to staff (Magalie Julian Julie Olivier ....) for their kindness ...

(the 2010-02-05 by : sandyetnab
Original decor, Jacuzzi pleasant, if still hot (if not the 01/11), for the rest ... hugs corners too "cramped and closed. Hygiene generally deplorable. Customer friendly.

(the 2009-11-03 by : ninou61
yesterday evening moon hummm evening torque and women the jacuzzi is fab for hugs, hugs the corners are a little cold after the jacuzzi while doing the opposite make love before the top and the jacuzzi after hummm .......

(the 2009-10-22 by : fofiepeste
we found this club in the evening a couple, and a first output, we must recognize that it was very good. The decor is actually very nice and pleasant cabins as required. Maybe a little too closed for my taste. The jacuzzi is huge and steam room as well. The other couples were very friendly and the only approach that attempts we had were pushed gently smooth or difficulties. For the first time, my wife really enjoyed the experience. Top.

(the 2009-08-06 by : amlibertin
I found the club on a Thursday afternoon. couple. I was not quite at ease whenever he left me alone, but there was no inappropriate gesture, nothing wrong. there was nobody, there would be twenty in all. I recommend the club in the afternoon for beginners because the team is not massive sold (it has been well treated, and any kind), and we are not assaulted by customers. it has not prevented many couples to make and eat in small corners cuddles very intimate and very cute. I really liked. I even want to take my darling, that licentious not, because nobody will make us shit, we can enjoy the sauna and steam room lovers.

(the 2009-07-18 by : fionarina
We went for the 1st time on Monday of Pentecost and found that now, Saturday was reserved for couples. So much the better because CADDRA is very nice, original, not too cold and quite friendly. Certainly, the welcome is not warm but Jacuzzi! The corners are slightly hugs just for wishing his ease, but the atmosphere is nice. The hammam is perhaps a little too complicated for "reconciliation". Finally, the price is very reasonable, except that it must find to park in a tough neighborhood.

(the 2009-06-10 by : stfannie91
Discovery Moon City recently (day reserved for couples). Location nice and clean. Decor kitsch but fun. Large sauna, large jacuzzi / swimming pool and hammam. Copious recover. If a couple with same type and mr big sport and wants to go with us ...

(the 2009-06-09 by : cplmixte
almost as good memories in this place. It is true that the entry lock of secrecy and lack of hygiene. The staircase can it not be cut in two by a small separation? Could we not allow couples to go directly to the locker room corners calin? In any case far more charm than the paragraph and the Provence. The place opens at noon I think. and even at 10am on Thursday (buffet breakfast) but not yet tested. Afternoon of Monday and Wednesday calm and quiet. And on your birthday, inputs (torque) and champagne bottle! It compensates for the somewhat cold reception which is still much better than the hippocampus (and two old cats) Hope to see you there;) Get and Maya

(the 2009-03-17 by : GetMaya
We can say that it is a magical and unusual, but the reception is most deplorable and spirit of the libertine are not necessarily well represented. We're going first a couple times no problem through the door and enter this paradise marred by jackals and starved, and yes men only pay the highest price they want for their money. The second time, we're going with our accomplice man with whom we share many moments, and here we are denied entry because it is not accompanied as it is a mixed evening, we try to talk a little and Tapotte boss on the poster stating that he had the choice of entries and we thank a good night not very friendly. Really disappointed with that attitude, shame because the place is really beautiful. While couples libertines, go throw yourself into the lion's mouth but also does not take your muse with you, you will necessarily half while

(the 2009-03-17 by : adameve58
Welcome  6.2/10 
Ambience  6.9/10 
Customers  6.1/10 
Cleanliness  6.0/10 

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